
Cherubim and Seraphim Movement Church (here after abbreviated as CSMC) is a branch of the main body of Cherubim and Seraphim (C & S). The beginning of Cherubim and Seraphim Movement Church was done by adherents who believed that “JAH-JEHOVAH” himself established the church through Moses Orimolade Tunolase and that they must remain loyal to his ideas and principles of worship as emphasized.
The Holy Book, the Bible. The history of C & S appropriately began with Moses Orimolade and Abiodun Akinsowon. Not quite long after its beginning, the organization became riddled with jealousies, disputes and breakaway characterized by splinter groups going their different ways. The urge to remain far away from controversies, disputes and trivialities which hindered progress led to the formation of the Movement Church in November, 1927. A group of people comprising of Late N.E. Coker, S.A. Adekoya, S.O. Kalejaiye, E.O. Ajayi, D.A. Aina, J.T. Agboola and C.A. Shofarasin started worshipping at a residence belonging to one Mrs. Adebiyi (known then as “Mama Ondo”) at Ibadan street in Kaduna. The church formed then later had her initial crisis which brought her into two factions. One faction moved to Jos road in Madam Aina’s house in 1933 led by Mrs. Adebiyi and the other by Pa Adefowope who had a fairly large number of followers.
The group led by Pa Adefowope worshipped in his house at plot C.14 Kabba road and elder Adegbite acted as the leader in-charge.
In 1937, a proposal to appoint the leadership of the Church Movement was received from Pa Adefowope during a hill prayer and accordingly three elders, J.T. Agboola, S.A. Adekoya and S.O. Kalejaiye were unanimously chosen and prayers were offered for them. In the main time, members of the Cherubim and Seraphim Church on transfer to Jos, Minna, Zaria, Kano and other towns in the North established branches there. It was in June 1940 that elder N.E. Coker, a government treasury clerk was transferred to Kaduna from Onitsha, he was of tremendous assistance to the fold in terms of administration. In this same year, Elder N.E. Coker became the first General Overseer (Baba Aladura) of the Holy order of CSMC of Northern Nigeria.
In 1941, membership stood at about seventy (70) people and by June same year, plots were secured at H.H. 3 & 4, Katsina Road, Kaduna. In 1942, construction work began for the church building with mud-bricks. The roofing sheet was purchased from Ibadan by one Mr. Abiara, a carpenter employed from Ibadan. It was at the meeting held on the 11th November, 1941 that Kaduna was pronounced as the Headquarter of Cherubim and Seraphim Movement Church of Northern Nigeria. The Conference discussed various issues affecting CSMC and also passed a motion authorizing the drafting of a constitution to guide the operation and administration of the church. At the Conference held on 22nd November, 1949, the fundamental principles among which are to pursue a Christian crusade in which the name of God will be glorified became the first principle. According to the constitution, the activities of the CSMC shall be confined to the Northern provinces of Nigeria. But it holds itself bound to make earnest efforts for the visible unity of several branch societies. The constitution further stated that Kaduna shall be the headquarters and the seat of the special Apostle who shall be the administrative head of the church.
The CSMC has her foundation established on six basic principles namely:
- Reading of the Bible
- Interpreting the word of the Holy Spirit
- Healing by the word
- Praying
- Regular church attendance
- Love to our neighbours and the nation.
With the civil strive of 1966, the Northern Conference as it was then known, spread to the South. Consequently, branches were set up in Lagos, Ibadan, Osogbo, Ogbomoso, Ile-Ife, Benin-City, Port Harcourt, Enugu, Asaba, warri and a host of other towns. The church has improved the drive for membership and presently, for administration convenience, there are 53 districts in 9 zones across Nigeria and Oversees.
The CSMC has spread overseas – arriving London in 1965, USA in 1976, Italy in 1981 and the Western Germany in 1987
- Origin
Cherubim and Seraphim church began to worship as a Christian body on Wednesday the 9th of September, 1925. It is commonly believed by members that the Lord God Himself established the church here on earth through Moses Orimolade Tunolase of the blessed memory with Captain Abiodun Akinsowon who was then a young lady but whose seven day trance actually marked the beginning of what is known as theCherubim and Seraphim church.
It is to be noted that at its inception, what today can be termed as Cherubim and Seraphim church was to the active participants then, a mere Bible study and prayer fellowship. In substance and nature, the church identifies with the African people. The church has never been under the control of any orthodox church in Nigeria, the church gained recognition and acceptance amongst the people for her gift of accurate predictions and ability to deliver people under satanic influence. The Church at inception was missionary in outfit and evangelical in concept.
This made the missionary group headed by late Captain Abiodun Akinsowon to establish various branches especially in the South Western part of Nigeria. Late Saint Moses Orimolade Tunolase was also said to have visited many towns in both the Eastern and Northern parts of the country, though he did not establish any church then. He used to direct his converts to any existing church of their choice.
Cherubim and Seraphim Movement Church is a splinter group of the main body of Cherubim and Seraphim Church established by
God through Moses Orimolade. This Church began in the North by adherents who were transferred to that of the country.